Hi ! My Dear Friends !!! This is the first time, I try to post one of my day dreams. It is not just a day dream, it can be said as my expectations on my next birth(if there is any) too. I know this is quite a foolish post, but I love such fantasy imaginations. Before I commence, I apologize for gonna waste up your time with all the stupid things that I'm gonna post below and also for the number of images that I'm going to include in this post. As I said, anyone who read this post may think me as a Stupid, Fool, Idiot or whatever but this is my fantasy dream. I always had a fascination towards Cartoon and Animation World. That may be the reason for having such a fantasy dream. He he...These are just my own imagination.
     I tried to make out a story from my dream of becoming a White dove in the next birth and so this is the story of a white dove. I wish to visit world (if there is a necessity) again, only as a White Dove. I prefer to be born as a White Dove because White Doves are meant for peace. I also have heard that, when the partner of a white dove dies, the other dove suicides by falling from a height or mourns till it dies too. This may be a myth but I liked it. I have heard this too that the other alive Dove would not suicide, it just sits near the body of the dead partner until it dies because of hunger, grief and bereavement. Now.. here we begin... Set, Ready & Goooo.....
     One fine day, the eggs laid by a mother white dove hatched into young little white doves. Those little ones included (my hero)hero white dove too (To..to..toing.... To..to..toing...... - background music). His little eyes blinked in response to the ray of sunlight that peeped into the nest. (Am I imagining too much?? he he.... its ok) Slowly and very slowly, the hero opened his eyes and tried to get up, but the poor little champ couldn't get up because he was so weak and it was his first day of life in this world. Second day came, and the little hero tried to peep out of the little nest sitting beneath his mom. He saw the world around from the high branches of the tree and got frightened.. (Paavam....)     Five days passed and the hero started growing and growing. He played with his siblings, and sometimes he fought with his siblings too. The (my naughty little hero) hero is just five days old now.
     Somewhere in the same forest, another mother white dove was incubating her eggs to hatch. Do you know who is gonna enter this world????? He he.. (assumption - its me again to this world of fantasy....)The Female White Dove of our story... Yahoooooo.........
Now its time for the heroine dove to peep out of the little eggs............
     Can we name the male hero bird and female heroine bird?? The male white dove will be addressed as Jikko and female white little dove as Mikko. (My "Jodi Pura")Jikko grew a little more, his mother taught him to fly. Jikko flew round and round the forest and he came to the tree in which Mikko has just hatched into a small white dove and he heard her sound resting outside her home(NEST).. he he..Day 1.... Jikko listening to Mikko's sound     Mikko's mom came to the nest and Jikko got frightened and he flew away to his nest. Then he visited the tree next to Mikko's nest everyday. He was expecting her to come out of the nest very soon. They had a telepathic conversation and they knew that they were born to live together. he he.. (I'm imagining too much, right? what to do?? I told ... it is my fantasy dream.. he he. .. sooo.. It is definitely full of my imaginations)
Jikko waited for days to see Mikko......Day 2
Day 3(OMG: Jikko Became Lean)Day 4.........Gloomy JikkoDay 5............Lonely Jikko dove... Day 6.........Sad Jikko...Day 7.......Sadder Jikko......Day 8.......Saddest Jikko...     One fine morning, Mikko's parents took her out to teach her to fly, she also learned to fly and flew here and there. Mikko was so excited that she learned to fly. By the mean time, Mikko's parents saw Jikko looking at her sitting on a tree nearby. Mikko's parents talked to him and then both their Parents met each other. Meanwhile, Mikko's and Jikko's eyes met and they fell deeply in love.. he he.. Then their parents became (Sammanthies) in-laws and Jikko and Mikko got married and they were sooooo happy...     Jikko and Mikko had soo much affection on each other, they loved and cared for each other so much. They never had any serious fights, but they put some (chella chandai) lovely fights now and then, and they sit without facing each other for sometime.They remain silent for almost an hour and not more than that, because they knew that they cannot keep themselves from talking to each other. End of their fights will be like, they look each other accidentally, they smile, they talk, they love and they fly together.. he he...
Their Life was going so well and good until that day...     Like every story, a tragedy happened in the life of Jikko and Mikko also. Normally Ladies have a lot of stupid wishes. Likewise, once Mikko expressed her wish to see the city nearby from a distance. Jikko couldn't resist his beloved (Jodi Pura's) wife's wish. So they both started their travel to the nearby city. Days passed, they flew and flew. Actually they were living deep inside the forest where no human beings can enter....As they were nearing the city, Mikko saw some grains on the floor and it flew to it and started eating and the moment it tried to fly again, it got trapped in the net that was already laid by a hunter. Seeing this, Jikko got shattered and he voluntarily put himself into the net and got caught, just because he cannot leave his dearest wife alone, even if it is to the worst places or even if it is during the worst circumstances.
     The hunter felt soo happy on seeing two doves while he expected only one to get trapped. As Jikko and Mikko were trapped by the hunter near the city, he carried them to the City Dove Shelter. There, Jikko and Mikko were caged separately. Both the doves felt very very sad and few days passed, finally one day both Jikko and Mikko were caged together.      They were not able to celebrate this happiness, because they were not aware of the next disaster that is awaiting them.
     They were shifted from one cage to another everytime and they were kept in different places.
     They seemed sooo terrified. Finally the cage that held both of them was placed in the middle of a beautiful garden.
     Jikko and Mikko saw a crowd of people coming towards them, fear in their mind arose, then a few series of ceremonies were held beside them. Jikko and Mikko were taken out of the cage and were given to a beautiful newly married couple. The Worst thing was, a ribbon was tied to both their legs, so that they cannot fly without the new couple's permission.
     Later, both Jikko and Mikko were untied, but still the newly wedded couples didn't free the doves from their hands.
Finally, the best time came. The new couple flew both the white doves. Thats the minute, Jikko and Mikko flew as quickly as possible to their sweet home in the dense forest. They went back to their beautiful dense forest.
     Mikko promised Jikko, not to come with any other stupid wishes again. Both cute white doves decided "Never... ever... to leave their sweet forest." Jikko lived for Mikko and Mikko lived for Jikko as the most lovely and cute couple ever. he he...May be..after a few years both Jikko and Mikko left earth. Oh ya...they(their souls) were on the way to heaven. They left earth together too :)
Thats the end of my crazy story. The above is my wish for my next birth.. My fantasy dream !!! Sorry for the most stupid post ever.. eeeeee
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Kaanal Neer........
Hi Friends!!!
 Kaanal Neer is one of the sweetest short films I have ever seen. I really love the last few seconds of the short film sooo much. It expresses the real emotions, no over-acting. I really liked it.. So thought to share a few images in my blog.
 It is just a story of a couple who are meeting after three years of their breakup.
 They meet, they talk.....

 Kaanal Neer is one of the sweetest short films I have ever seen. I really love the last few seconds of the short film sooo much. It expresses the real emotions, no over-acting. I really liked it.. So thought to share a few images in my blog.
 It is just a story of a couple who are meeting after three years of their breakup.
 They meet, they talk.....

 Finally they separate forever, due to circumstances...
I like the music and all the effects added to it. Folks.. You might have seen this short film earlier itself.... If not, try to see it once, you may also like it... Have a great time.. eeeeeee
I like the music and all the effects added to it. Folks.. You might have seen this short film earlier itself.... If not, try to see it once, you may also like it... Have a great time.. eeeeeee
Thursday, October 11, 2012
My LKG Days
    Another boring post about my LKG Days. As I said in the previous post, my LKG school days begin with a morning walk to my bus stop holding my grandpa's hand. We wait in the bus stop till my school bus arrives, as it comes, I get into the bus and wave tata to my grandpa and leave. I was not a great mischievous girl but sometimes I'm litttttle naughty. eeeeee... I will just tell you the few incidents that I remember about my LKG days. Hope I didn't study Pre-KG. No idea about that.. Have to ask my Mom and Dad about that.     I was the eleventh rank holder in LKG. I came to know this from the LKG Progress Report which I found in my home very recently. Ssssssssshhhh..... Don't tell this to my LKG Class teacher, she will beat me. I think I forgot to give the Progress Report back to her. :( I was an average studying student. I do not study always. I do not play well. I was not a best performer in any activities. At the same time, I was not the worst performer too...
     My Anni (cousin) who was studying in the nearby Higher Secondary School would come to meet me often. She would give me chocolates, whenever she comes. She is the only visitor who comes to see me in school. Once I was very sad after a fight (will explain about the fight in the next paragraph) in the afternoon sleeping period, then she came to see me and gave chocolates, so my worries were gone.     About the Fight:: We had an one hour sleeping period everyday afternoon. I did not like to sleep at school (only in KG classes, but I used to sleep well in my college days... he he), so I just lie down awake. If I did not lie down, Miss would beat. So everyone, whether sleeping or not, have to lie down. One of the girls in our class do not like me. I was not sure about the reason for her hatred towards me. She always fought with me indirectly. Indirectly in the sense, she had a boyfriend.eeeeeeee... She would tell him to pinch me and she promise him chocolates, if he do so. I was a rowdy at the time itself. Yes, you should believe it friends.. eeeeeeee... I told the boy, "There is No problem between you and me, so you stay back or I will tell to Miss." My legs and hands would be trembling, still I maintain the geth (strength) in my volume. I and that girl pinched one day(fight that I mentioned in the previous paragraph). I also got a severe pinch from her. Somehow, we would stop with a pinch, or Miss would come and beat us for fighting, so it was better to control ourselves. he he... You know what, I really wish to see that guy and girl now. But I have no idea about who they are. I don't know their names and places. I don't even remember their faces. It there weren't some incidents like this in school and college days, then there wouldn't have been anything to remember in our memories.
     The one and only Madam who used to beat me was my Tamil Miss. She used to bring a big stick to class everyday. I used to get beat often for not knowing to write tamil E "இ." I used to write it in a very different way I guess, and that was why my Miss would have beaten me.      Her stick terrifies me a lot. It could be told that it was a wooden piece rather than telling it as stick. I have a wish to see her too, just to show her how I write "இ" now. eeeeeeee.... I was really having some sort of anger on her, but may be, I wouldn't have learned to write ""இ" properly, if she hadn't beaten me. So I forgave her. he he...     I had a cousin who studied with me in LKG. I remember seeing him just once or twice in classroom, don't know where he would be the other times. I shifted my school after LKG and he continued studying there. Some fifteen years back, while we visited his family, I saw those fighting guy and girl's photo in a class picture hung on the wall. I remembered their faces at that time, but not now. It was funny to remember some people like this. These are all that I remember about my LKG days. eeeeeee... Again sorry for boring you with my post... Will be back soooon.. Till then bubyeeeeee....
     My Anni (cousin) who was studying in the nearby Higher Secondary School would come to meet me often. She would give me chocolates, whenever she comes. She is the only visitor who comes to see me in school. Once I was very sad after a fight (will explain about the fight in the next paragraph) in the afternoon sleeping period, then she came to see me and gave chocolates, so my worries were gone.     About the Fight:: We had an one hour sleeping period everyday afternoon. I did not like to sleep at school (only in KG classes, but I used to sleep well in my college days... he he), so I just lie down awake. If I did not lie down, Miss would beat. So everyone, whether sleeping or not, have to lie down. One of the girls in our class do not like me. I was not sure about the reason for her hatred towards me. She always fought with me indirectly. Indirectly in the sense, she had a boyfriend.eeeeeeee... She would tell him to pinch me and she promise him chocolates, if he do so. I was a rowdy at the time itself. Yes, you should believe it friends.. eeeeeeee... I told the boy, "There is No problem between you and me, so you stay back or I will tell to Miss." My legs and hands would be trembling, still I maintain the geth (strength) in my volume. I and that girl pinched one day(fight that I mentioned in the previous paragraph). I also got a severe pinch from her. Somehow, we would stop with a pinch, or Miss would come and beat us for fighting, so it was better to control ourselves. he he... You know what, I really wish to see that guy and girl now. But I have no idea about who they are. I don't know their names and places. I don't even remember their faces. It there weren't some incidents like this in school and college days, then there wouldn't have been anything to remember in our memories.
     The one and only Madam who used to beat me was my Tamil Miss. She used to bring a big stick to class everyday. I used to get beat often for not knowing to write tamil E "இ." I used to write it in a very different way I guess, and that was why my Miss would have beaten me.      Her stick terrifies me a lot. It could be told that it was a wooden piece rather than telling it as stick. I have a wish to see her too, just to show her how I write "இ" now. eeeeeeee.... I was really having some sort of anger on her, but may be, I wouldn't have learned to write ""இ" properly, if she hadn't beaten me. So I forgave her. he he...     I had a cousin who studied with me in LKG. I remember seeing him just once or twice in classroom, don't know where he would be the other times. I shifted my school after LKG and he continued studying there. Some fifteen years back, while we visited his family, I saw those fighting guy and girl's photo in a class picture hung on the wall. I remembered their faces at that time, but not now. It was funny to remember some people like this. These are all that I remember about my LKG days. eeeeeee... Again sorry for boring you with my post... Will be back soooon.. Till then bubyeeeeee....
Thursday, September 27, 2012
My sweet Grandpa and Grandma
Hi Friends !!! This post is fully about my beloved Grandpa and Grandma. I share this post in memory of my grandparents. I don't remember much about my mom and dad during my childhood days, may be because i spend most of my time talking(chatting) with my grandpa and grandma. And I remember my grandma ootifying me while she eats, the tastiest food I have ever eaten. I do not know what masala she mixes with the food she eats, but it tastes soo good... To be more frank, the tasty food is mostly the pazhankanji, if someone do not know whats it, please ignore it. he he... (its nothing other than the previous day's food that is preserved). eeeeeee.... My grandpa.... I mostly spend time with him during my childhood days. He goes to market in the morning. I call him from behind to remind him to buy me chocolates or something else to eat. He used to smile and just leave. I anxiously wait for his return (secret.........not exactly for his return, for the chocolates or the eatables he buy for me....) Then after eating the sweets, I will start to chat with my grandpa. I ask him question after question. He replies to an extent, and then grrrrrrrrrrrr... I stop asking questions for a while.....meoww :( My grandpa is the one who takes me to school while I was studying LKG. I hold his finger and walk to my stop everyday morning. [No memories about the evenings.. Do I sleep everyday evening?? No idea...eeeeeeeee] He waits with me in the bus stop until my bus arrives and I leave to school waving him tata.. "Thathaaaa tataaaa" Everyone in the bus stop turns in our direction hearing my "thatha tata." My grandpa has a habit of waving hand (he means to say vanakkam, or hi) to a few people whom he meets on the way to home. I also join my grandpa in waving hands to all grandpas whomever my grandpa wishes. I actually salute them. eeeeeeee.... I was such a funny creature during my childhood. [ I know what you people think now... ok ok agreed, now also funny creature only.. Happy?? ] My grandma never eats anything without sharing. We had all types of fruits at home. She never fails to share it with the neighbors before she have a bite of them. I learned a lot of good habits from my grandparents. My grandpa and grandma are no more with me, but their memories are evergreen and still fresh in my stupid brain. I actually miss them a lotttttt.... So Friends! Care for your grandparents as much as you can and as long as they are with you... My grandparents - The epitome of all good qualities. I'm sorry, I couldn't share any of their pictures here, I will try to share in the near future.
Thanks for reading !!!
Thanks for reading !!!
Friday, September 14, 2012
A theft of mine
While I was so young, we went to one of our relatives' home and there we played with some building blocks. I liked those stuffs, and stealthily slipped a few into my mom's bag... I can hear your mind voice friends, you wish to call me a thief !! He he... But wait.... I corrected my mistake, so you can't call me that.... eeeeeeee
After we reached home, my mom and dad found it out and asked what it was. I was caught red-handed. Hooooooooo... That was weird... I apologized that I took it from our relatives' home and they are about to shout at me.. I started crying.. aaaaaa....oooooo.... Problem solved... he he...
The very next day, my dad took it back to their home and gave it back with an apology..... I never wanted my parents to apologize to anyone. And so that was my first and last theft... eeeeeeee..... And here ends my post for now. Have a great time !!!
After we reached home, my mom and dad found it out and asked what it was. I was caught red-handed. Hooooooooo... That was weird... I apologized that I took it from our relatives' home and they are about to shout at me.. I started crying.. aaaaaa....oooooo.... Problem solved... he he...
The very next day, my dad took it back to their home and gave it back with an apology..... I never wanted my parents to apologize to anyone. And so that was my first and last theft... eeeeeeee..... And here ends my post for now. Have a great time !!!
Friday, September 7, 2012
My Childhood
Hi Everyone ! I'm back with another bla bla post. I just remember a very few incidents of my childhood days. I will try to post it here. Soooo... as I said, its also a very stupid post. I warn you before you read further... Read at your own risk... He he.. I was a lazy, dull, sometimes naughty and an average little girl. I have no common sense(Info stolen from my dad). I was not that talkative during those days. Now I'm.. eeeeeee.... I stayed with my mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and my kutty sister. My little sis was very young to play with me. So I play myself rounding the house again and again. I do not go to play with any of my neighbours. I just play in my sweet home or hear stories from my grandpa and grandma. Ooops I don't remember any of those stories now. He he...And my another playmate was our black and white television. If TV is switched on, I never blink my eyes (I got this info from my dad and mum) and sit very close to it to watch it more carefully. I am a televisionaholic even now, I never stop watching TV until my eyes close automatically wanting for rest. My mom and dad would have been busy with their work, so that I do not remember spending much time with them in my childhood days. My sweet little sister had been suffering from wheezing during those days. I remember holding her in my arms with great difficulty but she likes it and so I never mind my hands and wrists paining while carrying her in my hands... eeeeeeeee...... At the same time, we both fight too... I hope I was not that naughty, while I remember getting punches from my sister for not giving her extra chocolates... he he....
But I too have given her beats after growing up a little.. I give small beats and get big beats in return... eeeeeeee... My grandma used to say as "Nellu kuduthu Kallu vangu." I do not remember anymore general stuffs about my childhood, so I stop my boring post here... Thanks for reading.... eeeeeeeeeee ;) Will be back very soon... No crying pleaseeeee....
But I too have given her beats after growing up a little.. I give small beats and get big beats in return... eeeeeeee... My grandma used to say as "Nellu kuduthu Kallu vangu." I do not remember anymore general stuffs about my childhood, so I stop my boring post here... Thanks for reading.... eeeeeeeeeee ;) Will be back very soon... No crying pleaseeeee....
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The Worst Day of My Life !!!
Hi Friends ! This post is gonna be the worst post ever on my blog. So, please skip reading or bear with me. He he..
You can read it at your own risk, if you wish. I warn you that this post is just bla bla bla....
Any guesses about the worst day of my life? Hope none can guess it right !!! Its just the day on which my existence gave happiness to my parents. The day that my parents saw me for the first time. The day on which I'm introduced to this horrible world. Yes, According to me, my birthday is the worst day of my life. My parents had told me that they wouldn't have got me alive if there was a delay of five minutes. If that delay of five minutes have occurred in real time, then I wouldn't have become a big burden to my parents. Though they have never told or considered me as a burden to them, I have personally felt so for a number of reasons and on a number of times. But I cannot keep myself from thanking god for giving such lovely parents. They love me a lotttt, and I too love them soo much.....I haven't been happy on any of my birthdays. I swear this from my heart. It does not mean that I haven't celebrated my birthdays, I celebrate, but some reason will be there to disappoint me, the reason may be this or that. I cry a lot on all my birthdays. The reason may be just a very stupid one but I cry, even for the silliest possible reason. I'm really afraid of my birthday. The fact that I do not like my birthday does not mean that I am a Pessimist or something. May be, I didn't realize the real purpose of my life yet. That may be the reason, I hate my birthday, so and so.... However, I am searching for the purpose of my life and my existence. Hope I will find it one day. He he.. Whatever it is, I do not wish to celebrate my birthday, unless someone compels me to get chocolates or to cut a cake. You can read it at your own risk, if you wish. I warn you that this post is just bla bla bla....
There is no specific reason for posting this. Its just for fun. There are times that I love me a lot, even if its not the case always and also its just the opposite, all the other times.. He he... :) So friends, Did anyone understand anything about this stupid post? I really regret for wasting your time. Forget it and go ahead with your work. Have a Great Day ! Be happy always, atleast try to be happy !!! Eeeeeeee
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