Several centuries
Have slipped by between our thin fingers
The Rani of Jhansi asks me from the grave
Are we free and equal at last?
I hang my head: there is so much to do.
My feminine paranoia has no cure,
Some drunken husband is beating his wife,
Some female child has seen her starving grave,
Some woman went with only half the wages
Some woman was raped and could not fight
Some woman married an irregular old chap
And I still have to prove everything I do.
And you call this a hyperbola of my fantasy?
Two droplets of summer
Three teaspoons of hope
Two tablespoons of courage
A jug of education
A sprig of equal laws
Ten sticks of economic liberty
Will you concoct me this elixir
So I may tell the Rani that she may breathe?
By- Sujata Venkatraman
Wish you all a very happy Women's Day....
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